Arco's projects

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A* pathfinding Algorithm with p5.js


This is a simple implementation of A* (optimized djikstra) algorithm written fully in javascript with the help of p5.js library. so the code started from the top left corner and the code must solve a pathfinding challenge trough a tough random placed obstacles untill it met the bottom right corner.


Doodle Detection with ml5.js, p5.js and Google Teachable Machine


a simple drawing application that uses the ml5 library to integrate machine learning for image classification. Users can draw on the canvas with the help of p5.js library to make it easy, and the application uses a pre-trained model (either from Google Teachable Machine or a built-in DoodleNet) to classify the drawn image. The classification results, including labels and confidence levels, are displayed in two HTML elements. check more at my repo!
